Friday, June 2, 2017

All About Me

        Welcome friends!!!!!

For those of you who may not know me, my name is Cynthia Guillen. I am 27 years old and was born and raised in Fresno, California. I have the best family and friends anyone could ask for!! My mother is my role model and best friend. My father is the best man I know and my little brother continues to make proud as he grows into a wonderful young man. My faith is the reason I am the person I am today and I give thanks to God for all of the amazing blessings I have in my life. During my spare time I enjoy watching movies or putting together crafty projects. I have always dreamt of making a difference in the world and I am pleased to say that I have the opportunity to help a large group of little kiddos this August. I will be working at Muir elementary as a first grade teacher!! My next goal in life is to obtain another credential in special education. I cannot wait to see what this year has to offer!! Go Mustangs!!!

Here are some of my favorite people!!

I have been working with students since I was in high school. It started with cheer leading and our team would go to different schools to mentor little girls. We would help them with their homework and participate in activities together after school. These experiences showed me how much I adored children and that this was something I wanted to pursue in the long run. I then worked in an after school program called Teaching Fellows where we tutored elementary students and created enrichment activities. I was assigned 25 first grade students and had my own classroom. What a teacher experience right!?? We were trained on how to create lesson plans and build close relationships with at risk students. I worked here for a couple of years and then with Fresno Unified as a tutor. Teaching Fellows was overwhelming at first because it required a lot of work, but it prepared me for today. 

I am currently in the K-3-1 cohort with the Fresno Unified Teachers Residency Program. Once summer school is over I cannot wait to dive into my classroom. I want to learn more about how to be a successful first grade teacher. For the past year and a half we have been juggling many tasks that we haven't been able to focus on just one thing. That is my next goal for the 2017-2018 school year. I want to derive all my attention to my kiddos and give them the best teacher they've ever had. I've been thinking that in the next couple of years I would like to get another credential in special education as well. I love helping students who need that extra scaffolding. My patience and understanding has always allowed me to better connect with students who have disabilities.

A memorable early school memory is when I was in third grade. Mr. Lebsock was a teacher who encouraged us to think outside of the box and to always give our best effort. He taught me how to write creatively and to believe in myself. We were learning how to write stories and one of the assignments was to create a book with illustrations. We were told that our books would be placed in a library and other students could check them out if they were interested. I was so nervous and doubted my ability to write. I didn't want my friends to think I was a terrible writer. Since my biggest concern was based off other's opinions, it got in the way of my ability to write something meaningful. Mr. Lebsock was the type of teacher that met with us individually to go over our progress. He talked to me about my story and could see that I was stuck on what to write. Being the awesome teacher he was, he sat me down and reassured me that I had nothing to worry about. He showed me previous writing samples I had completed and reminded me of my writing strengths. He also told me not to let the fear of striking out keep me from playing the game. I ended up writing a great story and won an award from my classmates for the most creative story in the 3rd grade! That memory continues to stay close to my heart.

Something else you should know about me....I have never been on an airplane before!!!! Click here to see my dream vacation!!!!

For all my K-3 family members. Here is an inspiring video that reminded me why I decided to go through all the blood, sweat and tears this past year and a half. It touched my heart and I hope it does the same for you!

1 comment:

  1. Cynthia,

    I love your inspirational video!!! I also would love to visit Italy one day.


    It's Blia Time
